About us

Having a dream is good.Realising your dream is even better.Our core task consists in collaborating in complete trust and openness with our clients, to optimise their liquidity and solvency.Because we perform our core task, our client can focus on his core task.As a result, our dream helps our clients to realise their dreams.

Trust, quality, professionalism, flexibility, passion, openness and sustainable relationships are values we hold in high regard.Trust is the driving force behind any relationship.A relationship based on trust creates significant added value for both parties.Quality and professionalism are what every client can expect from Global Collection. Based on these values, we want to make our clients better and stronger, not only financially but also organisationally and commercially.

Our services originate from our passion to develop a sustainable relationship with our clients and always be an added value to them.Because we reflect this passion onto our staff, they transfer this passion to our clients.Our staff’s personal well-being is crucial.Every employee is important, every employee is unique and has added value.

A company that fails to pay our clients’ invoices on their expiry date is not only a cost to our clients, but also causes them to lack the financial means on the expiry date to fund their business operations and/or investments.It is our core task to look after our clients’ financial interests and thus improve their liquidity and solvency.We do so with passion and pride, taking the debtor’s financial situation into consideration.